Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Rough Cut (Me + Daniel for filming real-life shots, Me for animation, Me+Daniel for editing, me for the comments on feedback)

Feedback from viewers

“Different shots for when singing vocals”
-This is a very fair comment because all the shots that include lip-syncing have the same background and we should have chosen more places to shoot in the building before the camera died (The main reason why we don't have any more footage than we do)

“Very good use of animatic – perhaps make it all animatic and have lip-sync for stickmen”
-I would love to be able to make the stick-men lip-sync and I could probably have done it. However it took me hours to make each animation anyway, and to have to line up the lips with the music would have made the job even longer and more difficult.

“Good animation
Could have used more camera shots”
-I agree with this comment, I used the same shots over and over. These shots include the part where the lyrics speak, "My legs are dangling off the edge" and "A stomach full of pills didn't work again".

“I like the animation
False gun (paint it black)
Fast editing (good)
Not much lip-syncing but the bit that was lip-synced looked a bit off (I didn’t have glasses on though)”
-When I purchased the gun I was told I should paint it black to make it look more realistic for the camera. However I took into consideration that the style of the band are "Scene" and they wear bright/dark colours together to create an interesting contrast. I thought that an orange/black gun would suit the style of the song.

“Change in camera ratio in one shot”
-I don't know where the change is so I can't agree nor disagree with this comment.